Sometimes it’s just a simplification of an idea that previously was so over-designed. How do you transform the old-to-new in a short direct route. We might have to boil the ocean to get what we want. After the steam rises and we see the crust and the ashes the idea presents itself. Bravo they say, well done, then the boring paste up layout business card letterhead, signage, Oh “that the real work”, perhaps and “Yes”. It all incorporates design and eye training. Not always as easy as the end results appears. $750.00 for a logo! Really? It’s like surgery. You get paid to know where to cut. When I was in school in 1982 NBC paid $750,000 for their new logo. That’s when I said I think I can do this business. Still looking for a client like that. Come on Team. make a dream client list and lets get after it. Motivation will not take you there. prospect, prospect, referral, one step at a time. You will climb the mountain